BFS Blog

You will find answers to many of your most urgent questions about Vermont workers' compensation or personal injury claims in our blog posts. Or you can reach out to our experienced team for free. Call or text us today at 802-229-5146.

Firm News

Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Benefit Payments or Personal Injury Settlement?

During tax season, many clients ask us if they owe taxes on money they’ve recovered from benefit payments or personal injury settlements. Fortunately, the short answer is no, which is excellent news! However,…


Workers' Compensation: Dangers of Returning to Work Too Soon

Following a work-related injury, employers want to get their injured employees back and working as soon as they can. However, this is typically not in the employee’s best interest for various reasons.…


Attorney Groff Celebrates 20 Years with Biggam Fox Skinner LLP

Everyone here at Biggam Fox Skinner LLP would like to congratulate Heidi Groff for her 20 years of service with our law firm. For the last two decades, attorney Groff has been helping clients throughout…

Workers Compensation

Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Depression?

When you think about workers’ compensation, you may initially picture severe physical injuries sustained while on the clock. While this can be true, what about workplace injuries that can’t be seen, such…


What Steps to Take After Being Injured at Work

You’re just carrying out your normal morning routine, you've got your coffee on a brisk morning as you walk into work—CRASH! You wake up minutes later, disoriented, feeling excruciating pain in your back…

Workers Compensation

Biggam Fox Skinner Fight Workers’ Compensation Rule Changes

After protests from our Vermont workers’ compensation attorneys at Biggam Fox Skinner and other plaintiff lawyers, the State of Vermont has abandoned a proposal to bring in new workers’ compensation rules…


Attorneys to Present at "Next Level Workers' Compensation Seminar"

Two attorneys will share their workers’ compensation expertise with other Vermont attorneys at a legal education seminar in Burlington on Friday January 25, 2019. Partners Kelly Massicotte and Heidi Groff…


Vermont Community is Ready to Help

Our Team Is Here for You: (802) 445-9141 Winter is tightening its grip, with last week’s storm leaving even more snow covering Vermont. At this time of year, many Vermonters are counting the days until…