Hear from Our Client: Automotive Technician, Greensboro, Vermont

Client testimonial
Hear from Our Client: Automotive Technician, Greensboro, Vermont

Our client EP injured their lower back while they were installing an engine in a vehicle. Here's what EP said about their experience of trusting BFS with their Vermont workers' compensation claim.

"I googled 'lawyers close to me,' and your logo stuck out. I made the phone call and ended up meeting with Kelly. It was a work injury that I thought I could handle on my own, but I quickly found out that was not going to be the case. I had people telling me, oh, you need a lawyer, and I thought, no, I don’t need to go that route. And then I got a letter from the insurance company, from their lawyer. That’s when I decided it was time to get hold of somebody. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go up against them by myself.

"Hiring Kelly took a lot of the unnecessary stress away. She got me a lot of medical care and a very reasonable settlement.

"BFS treats people like people, and they greet everybody with open arms. They are willing to listen. I would highly, highly recommend BFS, even if you just need somebody to talk to and get some direction on what to do."

Thank you, EP. We are glad we could help!