What You Should and Shouldn’t Do After a Work Injury

Being injured at work can leave you with many unanswered questions. Don’t worry - we’re here to help! Below, we provide some information for you to check off your list.
Get Medical Help
Get your injury treated immediately. Even if you think it’s not a serious injury, see a doctor and let them decide what treatment you need, if any.
You may be directed to see a company doctor for the first medical visit following your injury. After this visit, you can choose another doctor by filling out a Form 8 from the Department of Labor or from your employer’s insurance carrier.
Notify Your Employer
You never know when something that seems minor might turn out to be more serious.
In Vermont, you have 72 hours to report your injury to your employer. Your employer has 72 hours to file a report with the Department of Labor. You should get a copy of this report but if you don’t, you can ask for one.
Be A Good Patient
Be upfront about how you are feeling and explain exactly how you were injured. Your medical provider will give you a treatment plan. Be sure to follow it closely.
You have the right to choose your own doctor and get a second or even a third opinion.
Document Your Injuries and Time Off Work
Tell your doctor that your injury happened at work. Keep a record of your medical appointments and of time you miss from work—you are entitled to lost wages.
Your employer’s insurance company has 21 days from the date your injury was reported to investigate your claim and determine if they will accept it. Fill out a Form 7 Medical Authorization to access the medical records.
Turn to our Vermont workers’ compensation attorneys to fight for your financial recovery. Contact Biggam Fox Skinner at (802) 455-9141 to schedule your free and confidential consultation to get started!
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